
The 5 Major Pain Points of Intentional Investors

Property managers have become integral to rental owners’ ability to collect rents, maintain their properties, and keep units full. Nearly 2 in 3 small-business rental owners now enlist a property manager’s help in running their properties—an increase of 9 percentage points over the last year. 44% of property managers believe that their clients view their services as more valuable now than ever before.   

For property managers, connecting with Intentional Investors is a great way to grow your business.  But first, let’s define what an Intentional Investor is: 

Intentional Investors purchased rental property as an investment from the start. They’re the most likely 

to own multiple units and to be actively adding new properties to their portfolios, though some are more 

interested in profitability than growth. 48% of small-business rental owners identify with this profile in 

2021, an increase of 4 percentage points since 2018. 

In order to best serve Intentional Investors, it’s crucial to know their main pain points.  Below are the 9 major stresses they face: 

1. Maintenance & repairs: This area was a primary source of stress for more than half of Intentional Investors (56%) in 2021. Though the number of Intentional Investors who selected maintenance as a 

top source of stress has increased by 13 points since 2019, Intentional Investors are actually less stressed about maintenance than either Accidental Landlords or Unintentional Investors. Intentional 

Investors with property managers find maintenance significantly less stressful than those who run their rentals on their own (62% vs. 53%). 

2. Filling vacancies: 35% of Intentional Investors named this a top source of stress in 2021, showing a modest increase of 3 points since 2019. Though there was no significant difference between the 3 investor types in this area, Intentional Investors without property managers find filling vacancies significantly more stressful than those with property managers (41% vs. 31%). 

3. Accounting, bookkeeping & taxes: 

27% of Intentional Investors selected this area as a top source of stress in 2021, representing an increase of 9 points since 2019. Both Intentional Investors and Accidental Landlords, as well as rental owners with and without property managers, found accounting equally stressful this year. 

4. Residents: This area was a primary source of stress for 1 in 4 Intentional Investors in 2021. Though all 3 investor types found resident-related issues taxing to a similar degree, rental owners without property managers reported more stress in this area than owners with property managers (29% vs. 18%). 

5. Growth: 20% of Intentional Investors named this a top source of stress this year—7 points higher than in 2019—as they began to ramp up their growth operations for 2021 and 2022. Intentional Investors with property managers find acquiring new rental properties to be less stressful than those who run their rentals on their own by 4 percentage points. 

Cosmo Property Management can help with all of the above—and much more.  Contact us today and let us handle your property management with confidence.  Call us today and let us show you why hundreds of property owners from coast-to-coast trust their property to Cosmo Property Management.